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Sublime text: Sublime is another ideal text editor that offers a good user interface and customisability. It's lightweight, offers powerful search capabilities, and great customisability. It supports simultaneous and multi-monitor editing. The downside is that it's not user-friendly for coding beginners and doesn't support all coding languages. MS visual studio: Visual studio is a great idea that has many highlights due to the size of its manufacturer Microsoft. It supports a powerful editing editor that is easy for beginners and has extensive language support. Visual Studio is the software I would recommend for beginners due to its powerful autocorrect user interface and extensive language support.
QUESTION: Describe the difference between an XML Sitemap and a HTML Sitemap. List the benefits and disadvantages of using each.
An HTML sitemap helps visitors understand and understand your site, while an XML sitemap helps search engines access and understand your site. XML helps with SEO and site discovery. XML increases the visibility and discoverability of your web pages. Make sure search engines can read and promote your website. HTML sitemaps allow for better website usability. Enables easy navigation and increases the efficiency of access and use.
Evaluate three IDEs (Integrated development environments) and provide a brief summary on the positive and negative aspects of each. Also in your own words include how it would suit an entry level trainee code developer.
Atom: Atom is a primary open source IDE used to write html code. Atom allows a wide range of plugins and offers features like ftp and custom functions. Although Atom supports some IDEs, it does not support all languages ​​and programs can sometimes have troubles with ftp connections.
QUESION: Provide a brief history on web browser development and the issues encountered by web developers specifically the adherence to web standards.
Tim Berners-lee programmed the first modern web browser called the World Wide Web in 1990. Unlike previous browsers, Tim also creates software to store and deliver content, which is the first to do so. The main problems that developers face are inconsistency among developers, because there is no slander or clear way to develop things and there are too many different applications to see it. . Now developers are using html 5 which provides a common language that follows a standard so that browser developers have consistency when programming to develop their browsers.
QUESTION: What are website testing methodologies? Your answer MUST cover browser compatibility and website functionality.
Website testing methods are practical methods used to define and test the functional and non-functional requirements and state of a web application. These methodologies allow developers to identify bugs and errors in web applications and their code. Browser compatibility testing is a common method that involves testing the functionality of web pages on a multitude of different browsers and devices. By running the same application, developers can see if its functions and features work as expected in different environments and test its accessibility. Website functional testing is another popular testing method used to test each application/website functionality and check if it is working to required specifications.
QUESTION: What are the endorsed requirements of accessibility for all NT Government webpages?
The NT Government is implementing a National Transformation Strategy (NTS) to increase the accessibility and usability of its websites in a web environment. In doing so, NTG aims to strengthen approved accessibility requirements by supporting and implementing Word Wide Web Foundation principles known as the Session Content Accessibility Guidelines. version 2.0 (WCAG 2.0). NTG's goal is to be WACAG 2.0 Level AA compliant and authorized on all content and websites.
QUESTION: How do you think its best to organise all the assets used for a specific webpage? Think locally on your computer AND within the root folder of the website.
Its a good idea to have a main folder with the html pages a separate folder for the css and a separate folder for images.